“ChangeGamer promotes the use of computer games to study themes such as energy, climate change, natural disasters, the environment, economics, politics, history and science. The main function of ChangeGamer is to find high-quality games, and to create student activities for each of those games. The vast majority of games are free, browser-based, and playable on a number of different platforms (e.g. PC, Mac, iPad, etc.). All of the posted activities are free and have been tested in middle and high school classrooms (Gr.7-12). The activities are continually being updated based on feedback from teachers around the world. We have created answer keys for a number of the student activities where applicable – if you are a teacher and require any of these email us through the contact page using your school email address. “
In the Bustling, Interactive Classroom, A Place for Digital Games | MindShift
“Part 14 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning.
If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that today’s technologies will one day be obsolete — we shouldn’t be too enamored with any particular educational tool. Teachers will always be the most important role in the classroom.
Although ed-tech has a lot to offer, even the most interactive, adaptive software cannot provide the social and emotional benefits that a good teacher can. Early psychoanalytic research already made it clear at the beginning of the 20th century: the relationship between developing children and adult figures is important. Good teachers (especially in the younger grades) understand that they are responsible not only for transmitting new ideas and information, but also for creating a collaborative classroom structure that models, reinforces, and encourages positive social behaviors.”
Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2013 | Scholarly Open Access
“The gold open-access model has given rise to a great many new online publishers. Many of these publishers are corrupt and exist only to make money off the author processing charges that are billed to authors upon acceptance of their scientific manuscripts.
There are two lists below. The first includes questionable, scholarly open-access publishers. Each of these publishers has a portfolio that ranges from just a few to hundreds of individual journal titles.
The second list includes individual journals that do not publish under the platform of any publisher — they are essentially independent, questionable journals.
In both cases, we recommend that researchers, scientists, and academics avoid doing business with these publishers and journals. Scholars should avoid sending article submissions to them, serving on their editorial boards or reviewing papers for them, or advertising in them. Also, tenure and promotion committees should give extra scrutiny to articles published in these journals, for many of them include instances of author misconduct.”