Well Worth Watching: Losing Lena

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s time for gender equality in tech, let’s start by losing Lena. Add your voice at https://www.losinglena.com #losinglena “I failed to see this as an image of a person.” THINK ABOUT THAT. …. just an object being used to build, … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: Donald Clark Plan B: Why the tablets in schools debacle is over

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen will they ever learn? Had I said that iPads in the the schools were not the answer four years ago at the height of the love-affair with the iPad, I’d have been thought a crank. Wait, I DID. More … Continue reading

Being a Woman in Computer Science – A Cautionary Tale, Part 3 of 3, Now

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute This is the conclusion of yesterday’s post. It picks up where the other left off, after I was driven out of my position at the University. It took a long time to come to terms with what was done to me. … Continue reading

Being a Woman in Computer Science – A Cautionary Tale, Part 2 of 3, Working in the Field

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This is a continuation of yesterday’s post. It picks up where the other left off, at the end of my student days. I defended my Master’s Thesis and just continued on where I was. My thesis examined the introductory CS … Continue reading

Being a Woman in Computer Science – A Cautionary Tale, Part 1 of 3, The Student Years

Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutesI no longer consider myself to “in” computer science, although I will always consider myself both an academic and a computer scientist. (There’s an older version of part of this story here.) I grew up at a time when women … Continue reading

How I Got Into Computer Science (Many Happy Years)

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesNext week I am meeting with a bunch of young women in our department‘s CS and CIS programs, so I’ve been thinking about how I got into computer science, and why I stayed. Here’s my tale of how I got … Continue reading


Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteDay Two at IEEE-GEM: 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media (GEM) Conference The first full day of presentations (yesterday were the workshops). Highlights: There were many interesting conversations and presentations. I did mt two talks (I’ll post the slides in a week … Continue reading


Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteDay One at IEEE-GEM: 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media (GEM) Conference Highlights: Nice people Very eclectic bunch – many countries and disciplines Did my tutorial on Gamification, which was well received, and Interesting keynote by Steve Mann. Still not sure … Continue reading