So you want to write a book…

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI just recently submitted the final draft of my upcoming book to the editor, and I came across this page from Scott Meyers that has some good advice: Scott Meyers: Advice to Prospective Book Authors. It’s long, but if you are thinking … Continue reading

Weekly Web Round-Up (to August 2, 2014)

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesChangeGamer – Home “ChangeGamer promotes the use of computer games to study themes such as energy, climate change, natural disasters, the environment, economics, politics, history and science. The main function of ChangeGamer is to find high-quality games, and to create … Continue reading

Open access publishing hoax: what Science magazine got wrong | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteOpen access publishing hoax: what Science magazine got wrong via Open access publishing hoax: what Science magazine got wrong | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. This is a fairly accurate assessment of Open Access publishing. Where research is made … Continue reading

Revenge, ego and the corruption of Wikipedia –

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis is the second time in just a few days that something related to reputation and credentials has come up. Revenge, ego and the corruption of Wikipedia – One of the things media and education experts and advocates often … Continue reading

A few thoughts on “Open Access” Journals

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes“Open Access” journals are all the rage these days. The idea which, on the surface is a worthy one, is that readers get access to the papers for free. Instead of making money via subscriptions, these journals get their money … Continue reading

Don’t Believe Everything You Read. REALLY. Stop It.

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesI came across this today (Thanks to Jeremy Hunsinger): Second, we have become painfully aware of how badly (or how little) some of our colleagues read. Articles are too often cited, by authors and by referees, as making the exact … Continue reading

Time to End the Honeymoon for Game Studies

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s not often that we get to see a new discipline be born and grow up these days, but that’s exactly what we have with Game Studies. Although there were indeed people looking at and writing about games before 2002 … Continue reading