WRONG: The Animal You Spot First Says aĀ Lot About Your Personality

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteNo, it doesn’t. Sheesh. However, it says a LOT about the graphic design. The lion has a lovely DARK frame around it’s face (the biggest dark patch on that side of the image), making it quite prominent. We are predisposed … Continue reading

YAY! Open Access ~~NOT~~

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, I’ve been an editor for a pay to publish journal. It actually wasn’t clear to me that they WERE that kind of journal when I agreed to be an editor. I was just invited to renew my editorship. This … Continue reading

My 2Ā¢ – Is It Ethical for Nutrition Scientists to Accept Industry Money?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteSource: Is It Ethical for Nutrition Scientists to Accept Industry Money? Grant money should be blinded – ALL of it. Those giving the money will have NO say over where it goes, aside from, possibly the general discipline (i.e. Cancer … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: The genetic fallacy: When is it okay to criticize a source? | The Logic of Science

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteNot new, but an excellent take on the issue. Last week, I wrote a post on the hierarchy of scientific evidence which included the figure to the right. In that post, I explained why some types of scientific papers produced … Continue reading

Is Contemporaneous Grading More Consistent than Grading over a Long Period?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI have an education question for anyone with expertise in assessment: Are there any studies examining the notion that marking all of one assignment/paper contemporaneously leads to more consistency? Ā  It strikes me as intuitively true, but I’d love to … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: New American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on ā€œVirtual Violenceā€ is, Basically, Nuts: Why Parents and Policy Makers Can Ignore It

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a long history of releasing policy statements on media which are both wildly alarmist and grossly inaccurate. These include their controversial claims about ā€œFacebook Depressionā€ in 2011, their problematic and unrealistic recommendations on … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: The Crusade Against Multiple Regression Analysis | Edge.org

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteA Good Read There’s a certain cargo cult associated with these sorts of correlations. If there are more than 3 or 4 variables that have an influence on something, we very quickly lose our ability to say anything meaningful about … Continue reading

Peer review could reject breakthrough manuscripts, study shows

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minutePeer review could reject breakthrough manuscripts, study shows. The peer review system serves as a gatekeeping system for scientific research, designed to ensure the publication of only the most well researched studies with the most important findings. Scientists depend on … Continue reading