Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis is VERY important. It’s why, when I teach CS, I focus on the kinds of skills and concepts that *I* still find useful, 30+years /after/ my degree. THOSE are the core concepts. I am NOT training people for jobs. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Computer Science
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s time for gender equality in tech, let’s start by losing Lena. Add your voice at #losinglena “I failed to see this as an image of a person.” THINK ABOUT THAT. …. just an object being used to build, … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesYup. If anyone wants to know why I gave up a job I had loved for over 20 years (and was VERY good at); why I gave up my tenure, THIS IS WHY. People I thought were my friends, whom … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteA new semester means a new set of students doing my “internet stalking” quest. This an adaptation of an assignment created by Robert Runte (ULeth), where students choose an anonymous blog and try to find out as much as they … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute This is the conclusion of yesterday’s post. It picks up where the other left off, after I was driven out of my position at the University. It took a long time to come to terms with what was done to me. … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This is a continuation of yesterday’s post. It picks up where the other left off, at the end of my student days. I defended my Master’s Thesis and just continued on where I was. My thesis examined the introductory CS … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutesI no longer consider myself to “in” computer science, although I will always consider myself both an academic and a computer scientist. (There’s an older version of part of this story here.) I grew up at a time when women … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesNext week I am meeting with a bunch of young women in our department‘s CS and CIS programs, so I’ve been thinking about how I got into computer science, and why I stayed. Here’s my tale of how I got … Continue reading