My Book is Finally OUT!!!!

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteEight years in the making….. It is the first volume of three, meant to be a super easy introduction to the whys and hows of meaningful gamification in an educational setting – both formal and corporate. It is a relatively … Continue reading

I studied philosophy and engineering at university: Here’s my verdict on ‘job relevant’ education

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis is VERY important. It’s why, when I teach CS, I focus on the kinds of skills and concepts that *I* still find useful, 30+years /after/ my degree. THOSE are the core concepts. I am NOT training people for jobs. … Continue reading

I’m Finally Back to Writing Again…

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesYup, after a year of being unable to write at all, I’m finally getting back to it again. Here is the first part of my next endeavor. Let me know what you think! And So it Begins One learns more … Continue reading

Well Worth Watching: Losing Lena

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s time for gender equality in tech, let’s start by losing Lena. Add your voice at #losinglena “I failed to see this as an image of a person.” THINK ABOUT THAT. …. just an object being used to build, … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: We Don’t Trust Course Evaluations, but Are Peer Observations of Teaching Much Better?

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy colleges and universities that claim to take teaching seriously need a comprehensive and fair system of evaluating it. EXACTLY. But, as always seems to happen, the same teaching technique inspired completely contradictory reactions. For example, while I don’t show … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: Opinion | Why Can’t Everyone Get A’s?

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesExcellence is not a zero sum game. I’ve been saying this for YEARS! Source: Opinion | Why Can’t Everyone Get A’s? I’ve been saying this for years! This is a big part of what I address in the essays of … Continue reading

What Traditional Classroom Grading Gets Wrong – and how to fix it.

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesSource: What Traditional Classroom Grading Gets Wrong (G)rading policies—which appear to be an objective, fair, and accurate method to describe a student’s academic performance—often increase achievement gaps by infusing grades with teachers’ implicit biases or by rewarding or punishing students … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: Making Sure Yours is not a ‘Pointless Exercise’

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesNot a ‘Pointless Exercise’ Briefly, Martini noticed that her students didn’t seem to get the connections she had hoped they would on the assignments she gave, and wondered if it would make a difference if she made those connections explicit. … Continue reading