5 Gamer Comments That Give Straight White Guys a Bad Name | Cracked.com

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute


They’re playing in the comment section of a website about video games: That’s three levels of virtual world created only to entertain them.

5 Gamer Comments That Give Straight White Guys a Bad Name | Cracked.com.

This is brilliant.

A few of my favorite excerpts:

If someone says you’re privileged and you start talking about who you’d like to have sex with, you’ve misinterpreted their statement as a compliment.

Most gamers have healthy sex lives, but anyone who thinks sex is a one-way transaction where one person does all the work is extrapolating from their single-handed experience. These guys are whining that it’s hard for them to have consensual sex with other people. Every day many women have to worry about the exact reverse of that.

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