Who has a good anonymous blog?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

2009-03-22_13-22-25-001_wmA new semester means a new set of students doing my “internet stalking” quest. This an adaptation of an assignment created by Robert Runte (ULeth), where students choose an anonymous blog and try to find out as much as they can about the person/people behind it. This is an exercise about privacy. The point of the exercise is to discover just how easy it usually is to find out information about people even when they don’t share it freely. I am looking for suggestions: if anyone has or knows of a blog that does not identify the blogger(s) that they think might be suitable for this quest, please share!

2.02 Achievement Quest - Profiling Mission 1_Page_1

2.02 Achievement Quest - Profiling Mission 1_Page_2

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Who has a good anonymous blog? — 2 Comments

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