Worth Sharing: Why pushing kids to learn too much too soon is counterproductive – The Washington Post

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

1986-06-007-adam4_wmWhy are we in such a rush? It takes time to grow up and some things (perhaps even most things) need time to sink in. We need time to form new neural connections.

Curiously, at the same time we are pushing kids to be “little Einsteins”, we treat them like they can’t handle complexity, or be alone, or take care of anything. No wonder kids are having trouble – we are giving them all kinds of mixed messages.

Picture5Why pushing kids to learn too much too soon is counterproductive – The Washington Post.

  • Many schools force too much material onto the normally (and naturally) developing mind of young children and may inadvertently push children—especially boys—into looking like they have ADHD when they might not.
  • It is rare for a child to be precisely at “grade level: in every subject.

I think it’s time to worry less about competing for the “best” schools (including preschools) and more about the kinds of human beings we are developing.

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