Where I’ve Been Online (Jun 7, 2014)

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute
  • “Canada has been a strong performer in post-secondary education and skills development for many years. On key measures we are at or near the top of international rankings and highly skilled Canadians contribute to economic prosperity, social innovation, and political and community well-being.

    But there are signs that Canada’s performance may be deteriorating and, despite a commitment to equality, opportunities and achievement in skills and higher education have been poorly distributed across regions and groups. A new report from Canada 2020, Skills and Higher Education: Towards Excellence and Equity, reveals that we are not doing enough to achieve the levels of excellence and equity in skills and higher education we need to sustain a prosperous economy and fair society.”

    tags:equity, skills, higher education, education, canada

  • “At this very moment an instructional designer somewhere in the world is making a very important decision. In a perfect world, this decision is being made near the beginning of the project. Learning & performance objectives are aligned with organizational outcomes and they’ve been confirmed with stakeholders. Subject matter experts and actual learners have been engaged in the project. And then the decision.”

    tags:decisions, learning, media, elearning

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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