Wholesale Adoption of iPads by Schools a Mistake | Educational Technology and Change Journal

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Wholesale Adoption of iPads by Schools a Mistake | Educational Technology and Change Journal.


See my own reasons for why the iPad is not the answer here. Others are saying similar things.

The thing is, iPads a re fine if most of what you want to do is consume – watch, read, listen, maybe play a little (but just a little). If you want to make something then you need more. If you want to make something that is not going to live out its entire existence on an Apple device, then you for sure need something else.


Sadly, by the time people realize that it isn’t enough AND that it can’t actually “revolutionize learning” that way people are promising, it will be too late. SO much money will have been invested that they will be trapped.


Like this:

Why are cash-starved school districts sending public funds to Apple — while laying off teachers? Follow the money

No, iPads do not make teachers obsolete!

As the New York Times sums up that argument, these triumphalists believe iPads and attendant iBooks will “save money in the long run by reducing printing and textbook costs.” The enticing idea is that schools may have to invest huge money upfront, but they will supposedly see huge savings in out years.

The trouble is that there is little evidence to suggest that’s true, and plenty of evidence to suggest the opposite is the case.


“It will cost a school 552% more to implement iPad textbooks than it does to deploy books.”

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