Kids These Days (sheesh)….

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesNet Gen kids cheat, they say…. OK, this annoys me.  Apparently, we learn very little through the millennia. “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place … Continue reading

Yet another “Trouble in River City” Article – this one by SUSAN GREENFIELD

Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutesI’ve actually been pondering this since it first came out. I’m getting pretty tired of the “Games are bad for society” rhetoric. Why can’t people get past hating things and look at something that can actually make a difference, like … Continue reading

Resisting the Corporatization and Militarization of University Education

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI just love this:  This is from the University of British Columbia   To effectively resist the commercialization of public space and the corporatization and militarization of education, students at the University of British Columbia (UBC) created a political group … Continue reading

Video Game Violence….

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minutedoes NOT necessarily cause violence, according to a new study: Grand Theft Childhood, by Lawrence Kutner & Cheryl B. Olson (more here: In 2007, results from a breakthrough Harvard video game study found that children used video games to … Continue reading

Student gets slammed for creating an online study group…

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute So much for the importance of team work in this modern world….. From ” Study groups may be a virtual trademark of the Ivory Tower – but a virtual study group has been slammed as cheating by Ryerson University. … Continue reading

Laborious Drudges

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesOne learns more from a good scholar in a rage than from a score of lucid and laborious drudges. – Rudyard Kipling The University of Calgary says it cares about its students. Let’s see, “The U of C is pursuing … Continue reading

The Day After (my defense)

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutesI was elated when I successfully defended my thesis. I was thrilled to hear that the defense went extremely well, and everyone signed off on the dissertation on the spot. As luck would have it, the person in charge of … Continue reading

What is needed for an online university to become a world leader? (part 1)

Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutesI was asked this question yesterday. I may be paraphrasing, but this was the essence of it. It was a good question. I was among a group of peers, but I was also in a position where I didn’t want … Continue reading