It’s all a matter of point of view… (the 2018 version)

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI first posted this note back in 2009. It’s time for a new edition … for a computer scientist, everything is an algorithm. (it’s about systems (and process)) to a musician, everything is a song. (it’s about rhythm (and sound)) … Continue reading

Gamasutra – Features – The Top 10 Weird Children Of Video Games and Neuroscience

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute  Gamasutra – Features – The Top 10 Weird Children Of Video Games and Neuroscience. Here are the highlights: 1. People with no memory can remember playing Tetris 2. You can use the same drug to treat a heroin addiction … Continue reading

On Peter Lawrence’s Article, The Heart of Research is Sick

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesBoy does he have it right on the nose. lawrence-the-heart-of-research-is-sick-2011.pdf (application/pdf Object). I know people who insist on putting their names on things their grad students did. There are others who do it more subtly. They are just as despicable. … Continue reading

Why Education Research Is Failing Us: Begley – Sharon Begley –

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy Education Research Is Failing Us: Begley – Sharon Begley – Synopsis: This article reports on a meta study comparing inquiry methods against a more trditional approach. What was found is that: “There is a dearth of carefully crafted, … Continue reading

Is it wrong to buy publications from grad students and pass them off as your own?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteApparently it is in China – if you get caught. Chinese academia ghost-writing ‘widespread’ This BBC article claims that “More than $100m (£63m) changes hands in China every year for ghost-written academic papers, according to research by a Chinese university.” … Continue reading

It’s all a matter of point of view…

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minutefor a computer scientist, everything is an algorithm. to a musician, everything is a song. to a writer, everything is a story. to thespians, everything is a play. to a film-maker, everything is a movie. to an educator, everything is … Continue reading

Is there a 12 step program for scientists?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute[My name is Katrin. And I am a scientist. 😉 ] Note:  no disrespect is meant to any of the real 12-step programs. 1.        We admitted we were powerless over science—that our lives had become uncorrelated. 2.        Came to believe … Continue reading

Software Ethology, a new approach to design and analysis

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI have recently been working on a new methodology for the analysis of commercial video games in order to uncover mechanisms used to support learning. I am calling this new approach Instructional Ethology. It combines structural analysis based on black … Continue reading