WRONG: The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteNo, it doesn’t. Sheesh. However, it says a LOT about the graphic design. The lion has a lovely DARK frame around it’s face (the biggest dark patch on that side of the image), making it quite prominent. We are predisposed … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: Serious Games Today

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteA new resource well worth checking out! http://www.seriousgames.today Who Made This? This site was built by Digitalmill, Inc. Digitalmill is a consulting and development firm focused on games, videogames, and their related technologies led by Ben Sawyer.Based in Freeport, Maine, just … Continue reading

YAY! Open Access ~~NOT~~

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, I’ve been an editor for a pay to publish journal. It actually wasn’t clear to me that they WERE that kind of journal when I agreed to be an editor. I was just invited to renew my editorship. This … Continue reading

My 2¢ – Is It Ethical for Nutrition Scientists to Accept Industry Money?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteSource: Is It Ethical for Nutrition Scientists to Accept Industry Money? Grant money should be blinded – ALL of it. Those giving the money will have NO say over where it goes, aside from, possibly the general discipline (i.e. Cancer … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: The genetic fallacy: When is it okay to criticize a source? | The Logic of Science

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteNot new, but an excellent take on the issue. Last week, I wrote a post on the hierarchy of scientific evidence which included the figure to the right. In that post, I explained why some types of scientific papers produced … Continue reading

Is Contemporaneous Grading More Consistent than Grading over a Long Period?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI have an education question for anyone with expertise in assessment: Are there any studies examining the notion that marking all of one assignment/paper contemporaneously leads to more consistency?   It strikes me as intuitively true, but I’d love to … Continue reading

Why do eggs have so many shapes?

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesA massive new study finds that how much a bird flies influences how their egg rolls OK. Great webpage, design-wise. BUT, I have TWO problems with the science. Yes, yes, I don’t have degrees in ornithology. OTOH I *DO* have … Continue reading

Worth Sharing: New American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on “Virtual Violence” is, Basically, Nuts: Why Parents and Policy Makers Can Ignore It

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a long history of releasing policy statements on media which are both wildly alarmist and grossly inaccurate. These include their controversial claims about “Facebook Depression” in 2011, their problematic and unrealistic recommendations on … Continue reading