Renos of the Mind…

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minute

So, I’ve been going through a LOT of emotional stuff in the last few years.

Personal, relational, professional, you name it.

Curious: I tend to write in a private journal when I’m going through stuff, and I write here only when I’m feeling strong, and sociable.

I think maybe I want to try mixing the two a little more.
So, here’s a start…

I recently realized that I’m Autistic.
It has been deliciously freeing.
More on that in future posts.

For now I’ll say it has involved some super major shifts in my thinking.

Emotional stuff and mental shifts use a lot of energy.
Like, a really lot.

A huge amount of our energy goes to keeping our nervous system functioning (brain included, but not only) – just as a baseline.

It takes extra energy to build new pathways, and no surprise – the best time to do that is when we aren’t doing something else. So it makes total sense that the body would want you you rest more when making changes.

Renos usually go better when unimpeded.

Perhaps sleep is like putting tarps on things to be protected while other changes are being made. Rest is good too – it doesn’t always have to be sleep. I suspect the tarps are different, but rest still has some.


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