Worth Sharing: ‘This change will be the end of the Open University as we know it’ | Education | The Guardian

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteJust because we can doesn’t always mean we should. Yes, it is true that more and more people are taking courses online via MOOCs, but do we really know how successful that is? There are a whole host of problems … Continue reading

MOOC completion rates DO matter – The Ed Techie

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteMOOC completion rates DO matter – The Ed Techie. The commonly used argument against completion rates (or even worse ‘drop-out rates’), is that they aren’t relevant. Stephen Downes has a nice analogy, (which he blogged at my request, thankyou Stephen) … Continue reading

BBC News – Harvard plans to boldly go with ‘Spocs’

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteBBC News – Harvard plans to boldly go with ‘Spocs’. How are “Spocs” different from other small private online courses (i.e. the ones we’ve been doing for well over a decade)? … Aside from have a sexy new acronym, I … Continue reading

Double Barrel Critique: Flipped Classrooms & MOOCs

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Tyee – The Problem with MOOCs. Jon Beasley-Murray takes a shot at 2 currently trendy educational “innovations”.  Well said and worth the read. First the “Flipped Classroom”: Essentially, his pedagogical tweaks involve the use of technology to incorporate student … Continue reading

Where I’ve Been Online (April 2013)

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesThis is a record of places I have bookmarked. (I also post them to Diigo, but since I don’t like to leave stuff only in the cloud, I am also keeping a copy here. Careers in Games – Skillset Careers … Continue reading

Are MOOCs the answer?

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesWorth Reposting…. Clay Shirky is our MP3 » FOLLOWERS OF THE APOCALYPSE. For those who don’t know, Clay Shirky talks and writes about the Interwebs. He’s faculty @ NYU . He likes to make predictions about the future. He’s now … Continue reading

What happens when free courses aren’t free? « The Next Bison: Social Computing and Culture

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhat happens when free courses aren’t free? « The Next Bison: Social Computing and Culture. Yup. She’s right. I would not have taken the gamification course if it had cost a little money. But I am taking a ‘real’ course, … Continue reading