Katrin Becker, PhD

Photo by: Ken Bendiksen
(Systems + Instructional) * (Analyst + Designer)

consultant, coach, author, speaker, educator, agronomist

  President and Educational Officer at Mink Hollow Media Ltd.    Treasurer, ACCP/CAID  Check here for a list of my other publications   The Becker Blog    Licensed ARBA Rabbit Registrar    Mink Hollow Rabbitry    Adjunct Professor @ Mount Royal University  2013 IAP-DDL-AECT Crystal Award for innovative and outstanding multimedia-based distance learning courses and distance learning projects.   Founder of the School Hatching Program and Chief Agronomist at Mink Hollow Farm

The Becker Blog

  • main.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/05 19:51
  • by becker