Katrin's affiliations

In the interests of full disclosure, note that due to the fact that many of these organizations have substantial membership fees (and no breaks for individuals who are not students but do not have a regular income), and that I do NOT have a professional spending allowance, I am only able to maintain memberships in some of these organizations each year.

Science & Technology:
AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
CCSC (Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
DIGRA (Digital Games Research Association)
NASAGA (North American Simulation and Gaming Association)
IGDA (International Game Developer's Association)
CGSA (Canadian Game Studies Association)
CAID (Canadian Association of Instructional Designers)
CNIE (The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education/Réseau canadien pour l'nnovation en éducation)/
CSSE (The Canadian Society for the Study of Education)
CEA (Canadian Education Association)
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology)
safs.jpg Other:
SAFS (Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship)
cira (Canadian Internet Registration Authority)

Religious Society of Friends [Quakers]:
Calgary Monthly Meeting
Canadian Yearly Meeting
www.afac.ab.ca_application_themes_afac_assets_images_afac.jpeg Animals:
Rare Breeds Canada (since 1983)
Canadian Kennel Club(since 1983)
Rottweiler Club of Canada(since 1983)
American Rabbit Breeder's Association(since 1991)
National Rex Rabbit Breeder's Association(since 1992)
Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeder's Association(since 1991)
Alberta Farm Animal Care Association (AFAC)(since 2015)

  • aff.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/09/22 15:32
  • by becker