Yet another “Trouble in River City” Article – this one by SUSAN GREENFIELD

Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutesI’ve actually been pondering this since it first came out. I’m getting pretty tired of the “Games are bad for society” rhetoric. Why can’t people get past hating things and look at something that can actually make a difference, like … Continue reading

Videogames – Ya Got Trouble!~

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesSome years ago I was at a conference where Dmitri Williams was talking about the social history of videogames. He made reference to this song as a way of illustrating how the societal reaction to videogames isn’t really new. Since … Continue reading

Video Game Violence….

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minutedoes NOT necessarily cause violence, according to a new study: Grand Theft Childhood, by Lawrence Kutner & Cheryl B. Olson (more here: In 2007, results from a breakthrough Harvard video game study found that children used video games to … Continue reading