Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn Game Length [started Dec. 4 2006] Talks about the length of games. This is of value to me because [I say] long games are ill-suited to school environments. School learning comes in bite-sized chunks, single lessons; units that … Continue reading
Katrin Becker
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn “wasting valuable lesson time” We must. When ‘content’ is stripped of its context, which MUST include those pesky extraneous details, it becomes disconnected. No wonder learners can’t remember stuff. Virtually all of the memory tricks we use to help … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesA typical encounter at a yet-to-be built massively multiplayer online school: Suddenly, Amy realized that unless they all worked together, they wouldn’t get out alive. She wiggles the fuzzy slippers dangling from her swinging feet and glances out the window … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI was at a conference recently, at a workshop where we were given an exercise that included a brainstorming activity. Among the guidelines was the now-all-too-common refrain: “There are NO wrong answers!” Poppycock. There are too wrong answers! Plenty of … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve noticed that quite a few big names in ID (Instructional Design: Papert, Schank, Merrill,..) have backgrounds in AI (Artificial Intelligence, rather than the other AI) I find this a little disconcerting. In some sense the application of concepts from … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesDo Animals Play Games? I guess it is always possible to discuss definitions, but if one is willing to accept a common-sense definition of play, then animals absolutely play. Kittens (and almost all adult cats) often ‘play’ when alone, which … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesI have seriously misjudged M. David Merrill. His Component Display Theory was very computer sciencey, and unwieldy, and really turned me off; but First Principles is *really* good. Thank you Gail for pointing me at it! I’ve had this notion … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis looks like this might be worth a bit of time to investigate: came across the game_edu list this morning. Media Grid call for participation: Immersive Education and Virtual Learning Environments High quality PDF and Web versions: BOSTON, … Continue reading