Many of our rabbits spend their “golden years” in retirement, where they get to enjoy big pens, and a fair amount of freedom.
Rabbits can often live together peacefully when they are older, and most have little interest in digging holes.
 2004-03-07_02-13-36_001_wm.jpg Morticia (cat) visiting with Louise & Kiana. 2004 |  2007-12-14_16-52-37_001_wm.jpg Larry & Lydia, 2007 |  2008-01-28_16-40-22_002_wm.jpg K.D. & Lydia spent the winter with a few (mostly retired) ducks, 2008 |  2008-01-29_11-49-35_001_wm.jpg K.D. & Lydia spent the winter with a few (mostly retired) ducks, 2008 |
 2008-04-05_15-25-10_001_wm.jpg K.D. & Lydia spent the winter with a few (mostly retired) ducks, 2008 |  2008-04-05_15-41-20_001_wm.jpg Lydia, 2008 |  2008-05-30_08-37-33_001_wm.jpg K.D. (Khazad Dum) 2008 |  2009-02-18_15-22-29-001_wm.jpg Noodle & Nano, 2009 |
 2009-02-22_12-46-51-001_wm.jpg Noodle & Nano, 2009 |  2009-02-22_12-47-10-001_wm.jpg Noodle & Nano, 2009 |  2011-03-14_21-53-08_wm.jpg Psgetti, Pumkin, and Nano, 2011 |  2011-04-21_11-18-36_wm.jpg Pumpkin & Pebbles, 2011 |
 2011-04-21_11-18-45_wm.jpg Pumpkin, Pebbles, Pikachu, & Psgetti, 2011 |  2011-04-21_11-36-38_wm.jpg Pumpkin, Pebbles, Pikachu, & Psgetti, 2011 |  2014-02-14_18-04-38_wm.jpg Ra, with retired ducks Ray (17) and Helen (14) 2014 |  2014-04-01_13-11-10b_wm.jpg Ra, with retired ducks Ray (17) and Helen (14) 2014 |
 rx-louise-04-01-08-2_wm.jpg Kiana & Louise, 2004 | | | |