Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutes This is the response to Ian Schreiber’s comments from the original draft post. (THANK YOU for the help!) Points Point values for quests is unclear – everything in the 1000s doesn’t seem arbitrary, sounds like it’s a system like … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Talent Development
Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutesI’m working on the 1st volume of a set of books devoted to gamification in learning. There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what gamification is and isn’t, and an LOT of marketing sales-speak that mostly describes … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI often hear people talking about adding elements of chance to an experience to make it more interesting. For instance, adding a random reward for doing a certain task in a system…. Source: Gamblification – don’t gamble with your people … Continue reading