Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteInteraction between stereotypes, expectations of success, and learning from failure | Computing Education Blog. This is encouraging! The students who learned about scientistsā struggles developed less-stereotyped images of scientists, became more interested in science, remembered the material better, and did … Continue reading
Tag Archives: STEM
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteGames the key to girlsā STEM education | news @ Northeastern. Girls GAMES, short for Girls Advancing in Math, EngiĀneering, and SciĀence, is a new colĀlabĀoĀraĀtion between uniĀverĀsity partĀners and gaming comĀpaĀnies in Seattle aimed at proĀmoting STEM careers for … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesSadly, this is the POV (point of view = perspective) that most teachers have. I don’t blame them – it’s not really their fault. On the other hand, the professors who teach them should know better. Them I do blame. … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesThere’s a discussion going on on on of the LinkedIn forums. Someone is trying to come up with a definition for STEM. Here’s the draft: STEM Education Defined: STEM Education is the integration of the interdependent educational disciplines of Science, … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI was alerted to this article by Mark Guzdial’s blog: Carl Wieman on Effective Teaching Ā« Computing Education Blog. (Mark’s blog almost always has something I find interesting – thanks Mark!) There are a few things that really jumped out … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis is interesting, and may explain why teachers have trouble with science and math (and why kids who are inclined towards science and math have trouble with teachers). This is from a longitudinal study, testing studentsā visual ability, then tracking … Continue reading
Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is true that fewer women than men break into science and engineering careers today because they do not choose such careers. What isn’t true is that those choices are truly “free.” Does hidden sexism discourage girls from math and … Continue reading