What discourages girls from math and science?

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is true that fewer women than men break into science and engineering careers today because they do not choose such careers. What isn’t true is that those choices are truly “free.” Does hidden sexism discourage girls from math and … Continue reading

My old alma mater confirms its rightful membership among the ranks of the despicable.

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s thoroughly disgusting when a University fires someone who has worked for them for more than 35 years. Their ‘crime’? Getting sick as a result of being abused at work. Despicable! (note: I am NOT talking about Mount Royal). What … Continue reading

“Venality, Pretension, Irresponsibility and Risible Claims”: That sounds just like the UofC

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesStanley Fish is really hit and miss for me: sometimes I agree with him, and other times really, really not. This is one of those times I agree: Stanley Fish: Academics Under Siege By By Stanley Fish Published: October 19, … Continue reading

Profiling via web presence (or, the company you keep tells us a lot about you.)

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve always told people that they should assume that anything they put on the web should be considered public, whether it is on a public site or not. If you don’t want the information known, then don’t put it out … Continue reading

Have we really evolved beyond the days of throwing the Christians to the Lions?

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteBy now almost everyone online is familiar with the wonderful story of Susan Doyle. There are many interesting dimensions to this story, like the one discussed by Henry Jenkins having to do with how quickly the world came to know … Continue reading

The University of Calgary (my alma mater) wins an award!! –for bullying its faculty

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 minuteRichly deserved: http://bulliedacademics.blogspot.com/2008/05/university-of-calgary-in-alberta-canada.html AND: http://bulliedacademics.blogspot.com/2008/05/university-of-calgary-in-alberta-canada_21.html Be the first to like. Like Unlike … Continue reading

Laborious Drudges

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesOne learns more from a good scholar in a rage than from a score of lucid and laborious drudges. – Rudyard Kipling The University of Calgary says it cares about its students. Let’s see, “The U of C is pursuing … Continue reading

Corrosive Leadership

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesAlthough it is not new, I came across this today. Corrosive Leadership (Or Bullying by Another Name): A Corollary of the Corporatised Academy? by Margaret Thornton The literature reveals that the incidence of bullying is increasing in corporate workplaces everywhere. … Continue reading