My next book has been published.
It is written by my mom, and edited by me.
This is my mother’s story. It is the story of an extraordinary German girl born in Berlin just before World War II. It is written in her own words.
Find it here: Reni
I realized something while writing transcribing my mom’s memoir.
There are places in her story where I remember things differently, and places where I am SURE she is mistaken.
I decided to leave it without comment – for now.
This book was both wonderful and very hard to write.
It had occurred to me though that it might be interesting to provide some annotation at a later date, and so I plan to do just that.
I will write MY recollections of things, both as I recall them personally and as I remember them being told to me.
I will comment on things that I recall differently and provide some of my own side of things. For example, I have a LOT to say about the time surrounding my father’s suicide, as well as about the man who became my step-father.
I don’t know that this has ever been done. If you know of any, let me know!
I ALSO have many of my mother’s personal diaries.
The story she tells there is sometimes also very different.
That will be the third installment.
Who knows, maybe I can even convince other family members to contribute some of their points of view.
Great idea – you might look at Wickett’s Remedy, a 2005 historical novel by Myla Goldberg, about the 1918 influenza epidemic. The author does something interesting, placing comments in the margins about the main narrative – supposedly from others who disagree or have other perspectives.