Games the key to girls’ STEM education | news @ Northeastern

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Games the key to girls’ STEM education | news @ Northeastern.p.s. I Love that theiy're holding DS's!

Girls GAMES, short for Girls Advancing in Math, Engi­neering, and Sci­ence, is a new col­lab­o­ra­tion between uni­ver­sity part­ners and gaming com­pa­nies in Seattle aimed at pro­moting STEM careers for women through the devel­op­ment of edu­ca­tional games. Though the main event is being held in Seattle, a two-??hour event is sched­uled for 3 p.m. today in 250 West Vil­lage F.

We know games can engage kids to learn, so let’s use games for real learning, and let’s use games to advance girls’ learning, interest, and aspi­ra­tions in STEM,” said Tayloe Wash­burn, dean and CEO of Northeastern’s grad­uate campus in Seattle.


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