Easy-Bake Oven Is About to Become Hard to Use – DailyFinance.
AND…. home-made incubators. I have instructions for building your own incubator that relies on the fact that light bulbs give off heat.
You also can’t use the ‘new’ bulbs to heat baby birds in a brooder. I am now stockpiling 40-watt bulbs – especially the red ones – they are perfect for providing just a little bit of extra heat for baby ducks, chicks, and turkeys when they are raised in the house. (The red ones provide a more subdued light so that the babies actually sleep at night.)
Obviously, Morticia the kitty likes the heat too. (Digit’s thinking “Wanna Play?”)
I’ve also gone back to using regular Christmas light strings around the farm because the others don’t provide enough light. I prefer the 5 watt ones (and could probably get away with 3 or 4 watts per bulb). Those LED ones simply don’t provide enough light to do ANYTHING by.
Also, isn’t it time we stopped trading one environmental problem for another? I’d be happy to switch, if we could find something that worked as well, AND that didn’t also polite the environment…. AND when they find something that is not classified as toxic waste when it no longer works.
We really need to look at the WHOLE cost of something – and not just the bit that happens while WE have it in our hands. What does it cost to MAKE, USE, and GET RID OF? For example, by that measure, it is far better for the planet to continue to maintain and use an existing older car than it is to buy a brand new one, no matter HOW energy efficient it claims to be.