The Cards
37 different genotypes (~28 phenotypes):
- 4 basic colours (these form the RANKs):
- Black: B- D-
- Chocolate: bb D-
- Blue: B- dd
- Lilac: bb dd
- 3 Agouti types:
- Agouti [A-]; Tan [at-]; Self [aa] (x4 = 12)
- 3 Colour types (+REW):
- Full [C-], Chinchilla [cchd-], Californian [ch-] (x 3 = 36)
- Red-Eyed-White [cc]
- include 1 of these for a total of 38 cards
Point Value
Counting Score: Cards are worth 0, 10, 15, or 20 points. The points are assigned according to the Rank, depending on ease of matching this color with others.
- REW = 0 as a parent & 25 as offspring: it’s the wild card
- Blacks = 10 – no recessives
- Blues & Chocolates = 15 : only one pair of recessives
- Lilacs = 20 as they require double recessive
Sire & Dam cards worth more – they get an additional 10 extra points each.
Rank (Shade)
The “Rank” is one of four basic color varieties, determined by a combination of two alleles: the Black/Chocolate and Dense/Dilute. The colors are:
- Black: B- D-
- Chocolate: bb D-
- Blue: B- dd
- Lilac: bb dd

In Gene Rummy, the gender only matters for cards chosen to be the parents. For obvious reasons, there needs to be one female (called a “Doe” in rabbits) and one male (“Buck”).
Phenotype Name
Each phenotype has a “common” name that may or may not match the genotype name. Since the phenotype is a description of what we SEE, it is based on what the rabbit looks like only.
Genotype Name
The genotype name is intended to indicate the actual genotype as far as is known. It may or may not be the same as the phenotype, and will include the names of the major alleles.
Genotype Code
The genotype describes the known alleles for the given coat color. Without knowing the genetic make-up of the parents, the second allele in any pair featuring a dominant one must be guessed. Many breeders track the genetic makeup of their rabbits carefully and thus will either know for certain what the second allele is, or they will be able to suggest a short list based on what is known about the ancestors. Sometimes, it is also possible to determine exactly what that second allele is by test-breeding to an animal whose genes are known.
Legal Offspring Alleles
The list of legal alleles is based on the known alleles of the genotype and the co-dominant or recessive genes that could potentially be paired with it to produce the phenotype shown. Knowing the genetic makeup of the ancestors of the parents would normally affect what could be on this list, but since the game does not include pedigrees, all possible alleles are listed.
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