ENGR 1273 Writing Assignment 2

  1. Using a web-based tool for document management and revision.
  2. Editing an existing document

Note that there is ONE part to this second assignment set:

  1. Collaborative Revision of a Draft Document (Worth 6%) Approximate time to complete: 1-3 Hours

This assignment you are to get a copy of a draft document and revise it as a group. Your groups MUST be the same as your design groups.

Although this assignment will be marked as a single submission, there are several roles that 'editors' can assume. They are as follows:

  1. Coordination/management: The editor ensures that the project's writer(s) is on time and on task and that the writer is supported. The editor also plays a key role in internal capacity building and the evolution and implementation of a style manual. In some organizations, the editor might be the Web manager; in others, the editor might be another person.
  2. Substantive editing: This sort of editing deals primarily with the content and message of the copy. When the outputs are highly technical or expert in nature, the person serving as editor should not be the only reader. Organizations can meet this challenge by having a sophisticated peer/external review process. The editor could be involved in the coordination of reviews and the implementation of their results. This level of editing also looks at structure and order.
  3. Stylistic editing: This level of editing focuses on matters specifically related to the actual writing such as clarity, flow, sentence length and word selection.
  4. Copy editing: This level of editing often includes stylistic editing but focuses on grammar, internal consistencies, headline writing and spelling.
  5. Image sourcing and management: When tables, charts, photos or other visuals are used, the editor might be the person sourcing them, arranging for permissions and writing caption text.
  6. Fact checking: As with substantive editing, the editor might not be the right person to confirm facts. However, the editor should ensure that a fact checking process was conducted.
  7. Proofreading: After all levels of editing have been completed, the text must be proofread one final time for overlooked errors.
  8. Approval: After proofreading, it is the editor who announces that an item is ready for publishing.

Note that there may by 'gaps' in the tasks assumed by various editors. Ultimately the entire team is responsible for making sure that the document is complete and correct. Note also that there are more 'roles' than there are team members so each team member must assume multiple roles.

Make sure you agree on a single Spokesperson who is responsible for making sure that the report gets submitted properly.

    1. Create a folder in your Google doc space called: ENGR 1273 Assignment 2
    2. Using your gmail account, add your instructor to your contact list: becker [dot] minkhollow [at] gmail [dot] com.
    3. Send an email to the instructor's gmail account requesting the document to be shared.
    4. You will not be granted access to the document you need to edit until you have sent an email to the instructor's gmail account requesting access.
    5. This email MUST come from your designated spokesperson and MUST include the names of all of your group members.
    6. MULTIPLE EMAILS will result in a penalty being applied to the assignment mark.
    7. Failure to follow instructions will result in penalties.
  2. Once you have access to the document, get a copy and save it in your spokesperson's Google doc folder (ENGR 1273 Assignment 2).
  3. Name your copy of the file with your lab & group number, for example: 501-1-273a2
  4. Share this document with ALL the members of your group.
  5. Revise this document and make it ready to submit (see the marking guide for how this will be assessed)
  6. Submit it according to the instructions given here.
    1. NOTE: attachments are NOT permitted for this assignment.
    2. ALL submissions must be made by sharing the link to the Google doc and placing it in the notes section of your submission.
    3. ONE submission per group ONLY.
    4. Failure to follow instructions will result in penalties.

When you have completed your assignment, submit your document by providing your instructor with a link to it in the *notes* section of the assignment submission page in Moodle. ONLY SUBMIT ONE PER GROUP.

  • tnl/engr/assignment_2_2.txt
  • Last modified: 2012/03/29 10:09
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