Write a cover letter to apply for the job described below.

Ijaz & Jefferies is a multi-discipline engineering design consultancy, located in Calgary, Alberta. We have an open and team-oriented culture that focuses on communication, integrity, innovation and respect. Employees take pride in their work and are the single most important reason why Ijaz & Jefferies is a success.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Consider various factors, including use of the product, its environment, materials, the economics of production, safety, legal requirements, quality, production requirements, cost and ease of maintenance
  • Sketch outline designs
  • Communicate detailed design information
  • Produce technical drawings for detailed design, generating parts lists and specifications
  • Implement design solutions and evaluate their effectiveness

Key skills

  • Ability to work effectively in a team
  • Highly professional and effective verbal and written communications skills able to express his/her ideas clearly and enthusiastically
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of engineering problems
  • Conduct appropriate research and undertake the design and development of engineering solutions
  • Assemble necessary resources to complete a project
  • Carry out necessary/required tests
  • Collect, analyze and evaluate relevant data
  • Draft, present and agree on design recommendations
  • Ensure that the application of the design results in the appropriate practical outcome
  • Identify the required cost, quality, safety, reliability, appearance, fitness for purpose and environmental impact of the outcome
  • Determine criteria for evaluating the design solutions
  • Proficient in MS Office Suite


Ijaz & Jefferies offers a very attractive compensation package that includes a competitive salary.

To Apply

To apply for this position, submit your cover letter online via Moodle by Friday January 15, 2010.

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