Assignment 3 Grading Rubric

ENGR 1271 Fall 2009 Asst 3 Grading Rubric (Describing a Mechanism)
Criterion Unacceptable.
Incorrect or incomprehensible.
Misunderstood what was wanted.
Marginally Acceptable
Needs serious attention.
Still room for improvement.
I would hire this person.
0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points 4 points
Grammar, Style & Format
(neatness, completeness, white space, consistency, balance, spelling & grammar)

Neatness: Sloppy.
→Too much or too little white space.
→Lacks balance.
Grammar: Too many spelling or grammatical errors.
Neatness: Some problems.
→Poor use of white space.
Missing title, name or headings.
→Lacks balance.
Grammar: Many spelling or grammar errors.
Neatness: Room for improvement.
→Sufficient white space.
→Consistent formatting.
→Lacks adequate balance.
Grammar: Few spelling or grammatical errors.
Neatness: No serious problems.
→Good use of white space.
→Consistent formatting.
→Reasonable balance.
Grammar: Only one or two spelling or grammatical errors.
Neatness: clean and appropriate.
White space compliments text and content well.
→Consistent formatting.
→Good balance.
→No spelling or grammatical errors.
Overall Writing Quality
Overall: awkward, unprofessional
→Wrong audience. Too casual.
Terminology: miss-used; didn't explain; explained incorrectly
Illustrations missing entirely, incomprehensible, or misleading.
Audience: miss-judged; casual
Terminology: major misconceptions or miss-use; missed important ones
Illustrations: sloppy, too few or too many. Only marginally helpful.
Overall: OK.
Audience: OK. Reasonable tone.
Terminology: Got many of them. Explained some.
Illustrations: OK. Could have used more or fewer.
Audience: Correct level of detail, tone and language.
Terminology: Explained ones that needed it. No superfluous explanations.
Illustrations: Sufficient. Labeled. Accurate.
Overall: Professional quality.
→Appropriate for audience. Tone and language are right.
Terminology is accurate, precise, and explained where appropriate.
Illustrations: Helpful. Labeled. Complete the description.
→Provides definitions or illustrations where appropriate.
Introduction & Conclusion (orientation, naming parts, conclusion puts it all together) Orientation: Missing or confused.
Introduce Parts: Missing; too much or too little detail.
Conclusion: Missing or inappropriate.
Orientation: Exists.
Introduce Parts: Many missing.
Conclusion: Exists, but doesn't really pull anything together.
Orientation: Exists. Minimal.
Introduce Parts: Some parts missing, or not well described.
Conclusion: Attempt.
Orientation: Prepares readers.
Introduce Parts: Introduces the key parts.
Conclusion: Sums it up.
Introduction orients the reader well.
→Introduction names the main parts of the object.
→Conclusion describes how the parts fit together.

At Rest Description (stationary parts, moving parts) Overall: Confused. Described moving parts as stationary or vice-versa. Doesn't seem to know how it works.
Stationary Parts: Missed too many; Incorrectly described.
Moving Parts: Missed too many; Incorrectly described.
Attributes: Missed too many; wrong.
Overall: Not clear what is going on from descriptions.
Stationary Parts: Miss-labeled; missed key ones; described ones that weren't important..
Moving Parts: Missed a key one. Mentions unimportant or misleading ones.
Attributes: Got a few. Missed a key one. Mentions unimportant or misleading ones.
Stationary Parts: Almost none mis-labeled; no important ones missed;
Moving Parts: Got them all, but descriptions are just OK.
Attributes: OK. Lists most of the important ones but still misses some.
Overall: All there.
Stationary Parts: Got all the important ones. Not too much extra or missing.
Moving Parts: Has all of them.
Attributes: Lists all those that are important.
→Each of the parts named in the introduction is described fully, in order.
→Complex parts or those made of sub-parts are described separately.
Stationary Parts: Describes what role they play. Nothing important missing.
Moving Parts: Notes their role and that they are movable. Nothing important missing.
Attributes: Includes information such as size, shape, color, and material.
In Operation Description Overall: Would not help me if I didn't already know.
Entry: Doesn't get it. If it actually worked like this, it would never catch mice.
Capture: Doesn't get it. If it actually worked like this, the mice would get away.
Gross or vulgar.
Lacks respect.
Overall: Marginally helpful. I would probably still hurt myself.
Entry: Missing some key information.
Capture: Missing some key information.
Overall: OK
Entry: Adequate explanation. Not especially convincing.
Capture: Adequate explanation. Not especially convincing.
Overall: Gives me enough information to get the job done.
Entry: I get it. Not sure I could fix one.
Capture: I get it. Not sure I could fix one.
Overall: Not only do I know how to use this device, but I know when & how I can fix it, and when it is better to just buy a new one.
→Builds on at-rest descriptions to explain what happens when mouse 'enters' and how it gets 'caught'.
Entry: References appropriate parts with no wasted space or superfluous descriptions.
Capture: Leaves me with confidence that this will perform as advertised.
→Includes some helpful advice without being to wordy or preachy.


  1. Grammar, Style & Format
  2. Overall: Writing Quality
  3. Introduction & Conclusion
  4. At Rest Description
  5. In Operation Description
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  • Last modified: 2012/03/29 10:09
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