Collaborative Revision Exercise

For each item, points will be awarded as follows:

  • [0 points] Missing, or confused, or major issues.
  • [1 point] OK but has some problems.
  • [2 points] Right or close to right.
Audience & Purpose 4 points
Grammar 8 points
Style 4 points
Report Body 6 points
Conclusions 4 points
Recommendations 6 points
Ethics 4 points
Total 36 points

Note that additional penalties can be incurred for failure to follow instructions, including but not limited to:

  • No Spokesperson Identified: -1
  • Missed deadline for request to access document: -2
  • Multiple Submissions from one group: -2
  • Improperly named file: -1
  • Improperly submitted final document (must be active link in notes section): -1 or -2 depending on degree of deviation.
  • Inability of instructor to see or track revisions: -2
  • Clearly defines the individuals who should read this document.
  • Tells what the document will help the audience do.
  • Uses words readers can understand.
  • Written in the appropriate tone - not too casual.
  • Proper punctuation and grammar used throughout.
  • Professional tone maintained throughout.
  • Appropriate and consistent fonts and heading styles used throughout.
  • Appropriate and consistent spacing used throughout.
  • Each section begins with a summary paragraph or sentence that provides an overview of the section.
  • Content follows logical order: objective, methodology, data, analysis, conclusions, recommendations.
  • Brief, descriptive headings help readers navigate easily through the document.
  • Built from the data presented.
  • Presents opinions drawn from the analysis of the data so that the reader can easily determine the best course of action.
  • Is appropriate for this report.
  • Clearly summarizes the conclusion on which it is based.
  • Are within the jurisdiction and expertise of the author.
  • Clearly cites all sources used to write the report.
  • All the material is pertinent to this project.
  • tnl/engr/1273-a2-rubric.txt
  • Last modified: 2012/03/29 10:09
  • by